A New Year in IT: What’s Next?

GenAI is growing fast...BUT it brings more security risks! Are you ready to defend?From all of us at EdgeTeam, THANK YOU for a fantastic 2024, and further appreciation for joining us for our regular newsletter, The IT Edge. Our goal:…

Holiday Scams Are Coming for Your Business – Beat Them at Their Own Game!

Like every holiday season, scammers are getting creative - and small businesses are their favorite target. At EdgeTeam, we see this firsthand with the small businesses we support. In today's newsletter, we're breaking down the latest tricks…

122 Million Exposed – Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting and implementing the latest technology.…

AI, Zero Trust, and New Cyber Threats – Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting and implementing the latest technology.…

Major Healthcare Data Breach & Key IT Updates – Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting and implementing the latest technology.…

5G, IOT, and Cloud Technologies – Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting and implementing the…

Quishing, Wi-Fi 7, and AI – Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting and implementing the…

Phishing Scams, 5G Expansion, and Cybersecurity Trends—Your Tech Rundown

Welcome to EdgeTeam’s monthly update! We’re excited to bring you the latest insights, success stories, and updates from across the region. As your trusted IT partner, we’re here to support you every step of the way in adopting…
6 Steps to Innovating Networks

How Companies Use AI Driven WiFi

How Companies Use AI Driven WiFiAs an IT person for a mid-market sized company, you're doing what you can to provide an experience that meets today's business demand. More than just keeping the lights on, you want to help the company innovate.…

Questions Before Refreshing Your IT Network

5 Questions to explore Before Refreshing Your IT Network Post-PandemicWe have questions before refreshing your IT network.Your organization survived the mayhem that was 2020/21. IT network adjustments were made so more employees…

Network or Security Analysis Performance Faster!

Network or Security? How to Perform Root Cause Analysis FasterRead the scenario for network or security analysis performanceAnother IT ticket is received by the IT help desk. Dozens more have already been submitted and it’s still…

IT Network Optimization Tips

How to Optimize IT Network Projects Rushed During COVID-19IT Network optimization tips; rushed last year.As an IT leader, the Covid-19 pandemic forced you to make unplanned changes and adapt under tight timelines.Employees…

Resources to Keep Rural Healthcare in Business

Resources to Keep Rural Healthcare in BusinessStaff is limited. Hallways are mostly empty. The calendar board is blank except for the occasional surgery. If you didn’t know better, you’d think you were on the set of a post-apocalyptic…
6 Steps to Innovating Networks

6 Steps to Innovating Networks

6 Steps to Innovating NetworksThe following 6 steps to innovating networks can take you and you're department from barely managing workloads to innovating your network.This IT director called me saying something wasn’t working. It…